About Us

NUBA ROYAL ACADEMY was established out of seamless passion to build future leaders. The director, Mr. Ayuba Bulus Thliza in 2013 actualised this vision in 2013 with the first branch in Gombe and after 2 years later he build the second branch in Kaduna.

The VISION of the propritor for Nuba Royal Academy is to make it oasis of school in Nigeria, Africa and the World at large.

The AIM of Nuba Royal Academy is to provide quality and standard education at affodable price.

NRA a place to be...


I thank you Lord, for yet another day,
a day I've seen, a bright new day,
so help me Lord in all I do today.
Oh Lord give me the grace to do all to the best.
Give me knowledge, knowledge oh Lord...
Give me knowledge, knowledge oh Lord...
I want to be among the star's
Give me knowledge, knowledge oh Lord...
Make me be a star in NRA, in Gombe State/Kaduna State, in Nigeria
Make me be a star in NRA, make me star world wide.

Our Core Values

INTEGRITY IN TEAMWORK. Know and do what is right. 'Sharing and learning together'. Working together as a team, contributing and sharing in a helpful way.
RESPECT & RESPONSIBILITY: Embrace opportunities to contribute positivity. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
EMPATHY: 'Treat others with care and compassion'.
HARD-SMART WORK: we don’t just encourage hard work but also smart work.